Blackthorn strives to provide a nostalgic, but modern Classic DAoC experience. We are aware that too much customization can be harmful for immersion and authenticity, but too little will damage the overall gameplay experience. We always try to find the best balance in this, keeping in mind that without great gameplay there will be no players and without players it’s impossible to restore an immersive Classic DAoC environment. Immersion and gameplay quality are intrinsically linked.

Below is a short overview of what Blackthorn entails.

  • Customized pre-ToA Classic
  • Classic mainland (no SI zones)
  • Revamped Old Frontiers*
  • Classic Thidranki with level bolstering (10-35)
  • Classic + SI classes
  • Classic races*
  • Tweaked Old RAs*
  • Tweaked Classes (based on 1.65 patch level)*
  • Dynamic home realm RvR porting*
  • Robust RvR ecosystem design*
  • RvR Bounty system*
  • Improved Classic loot
  • Dynamic Leveling (through crafting, quests, exploration, RvR and of course PvE)*
  • Revamped Templating & Endgame gear progression*
  • Redesigned Crafting & Salvaging*
  • Streamlined Potions & Charges*
  • Cosmetics through crafting*
  • Incentives for Exploration*
  • Realm Honor system*
  • Unique Quests*
  • Various QoL improvements*
  • Auto-grouping system*
  • Rested bonuses*
  • New endgame PvE and PvP content*
  • Old Town / Capital / DF terrain, old mob models
  • Level 1-5 base classes
  • No custom currencies
  • No seasons
  • Focus on Classic nostalgia
  • Focus on immersion
  • Focus on casual friendliness
  • Focus on social design & realm pride
  • Focus on traditional Player vs Player RvR
*More information coming soon!